2005-12-19 - 10:24 a.m.

Today? I'm wearing my Big Girl Suit. (sigh.)

I had my very first performance review on Friday. I've never had a "real" jobby-job before, so I wasn't expecting any rewards.

In fact, I was a little scared going into the meeting because - I swear - at least three times a week I come home to Freddie and say, "Omigod. My boss HATES me. I'm so getting fired tomorrow."

Surprise, surprise. She doesn't hate me.

She just hates my clothes.

Consequently, I got a nice raise and a H-U-G-E bonus. I didn't expect either one.

"Wow. Thanks! I mean, This like money falling from the heavens!" I joyously exclaimed, "Now I can go shopping!"

"EXACTLY." she deadpanned.



2005-12-15 - 10:30 a.m.


That's "Before Percy"/"After Percy"...

And I am referring to our Christmas Tree.

You see, we are babysitting a 9 month old teenager cat thru the holidays and, well, let's just put it this way:

11:30pm -- Percy (vital stats: 9lbs, 1 foot tall) arrives at our apartment.

5:50am -- the tree (vital stats: 40lbs, 6 foot FOUR)...is D-O-W-N.

Also? The presents are soaked because when he took the tree down, he tipped the stand over as well.

You can't blame him, really. He's never seen a Christmas tree before. He's just a scappy rescue kitty and when he saw that tree all lit up with ornaments dangling everywhere, you could just SEE the wheels turning:


The base of the tree held his weight but by the time he got about five feet up, it starting tilting, tilting, tiiiiilting...and then CRASH!

Scared the beejesus out of him too.

"Do you think he learned his lesson?" says Fred, as we pick up pine needles, garland and bulbs.

"Um, no. Don't mistake his sulking in the corner as a lesson learned. He's a cat -- trust me on this one."

We left the house at 6:20am.

I bet that tree was down again by 6:30am.

I'm just saying.



2005-12-13 - 10:11 a.m.

The Portal of All Things Good and True

When I am feeling very hateful at work, which is quite often these days, I go to my new "happy place":


No, I don't want a cat of my own at ALL.

We are cat sitting again starting FRIDAY for TWO WHOLE WEEKS. It went really well for us last month...so we thought we'd throw a six foot five Christmas tree into the mix and see how it goes this time around. Also? We are going to Texas for New Years and leaving the cat unwatched for two days. I suspect to find the Christmas tree lying pathetically on its side when we get back.

And...that's about all I have going on right now. I just finished a gospel concert performances last weekend. Sucked the life out of me, it did. I have been feeling sluggish/out of sorts even since. Yes, I was singing for Jesus...but lots of crap went down during tech week and I am just over it all. I'm just trying to lay low for right now and save up my energy for other pursuits. Fred and I have tons of little projects around the house that we'd like to complete, so I am working little by little on those things. I'm just a little frustrated right now because I feel so unbearably tired. Things are moving at a very slow pace.

Speaking of pacing -- I checked over my 101 list to see how I was doing. That thing definitely needs a revision. At least 20 things on my list have evolved out of importance. Has anybody else found that to be true?

For example, once upon a time, I wanted to learn everyone's name at work.

Funny, but I'm pretty comfortable with a good, all purpose use of "buttpie" for just about everyone right now:

"How can I help you, (buttpie)?"

"That conference room isn't available (buttpie)."

"No, (buttpie), your guests haven't arrived yet."

And so on.

Okay, I don't actually SAY the "buttpie" part. But I do think it. Oh yes I do.

I'm just as catty as my new favorite website.



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Supergirl Central:

Erin G's lofty pursuits include sampling candy, taking naps, memorizing showtunes and shopping at Daffy's. She's a joyously dorky theatre girl. Also? a big fan of cats, well-written books, and her good lookin' an' schweet lovin' husband, Freddie.

The Latest:

New Year, New YOU! - 2006-01-06
Honey. GROSS. - 2005-12-29
Minty Fresh Kitty Mouth - 2005-12-27
Identity Crisis. - 2005-12-23
I'm jus' sayin'. - 2005-12-22

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The 101 List
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