2005-12-09 - 8:56 a.m.

Yeah. I'm totally updating.

I don't have much to say. I just wanted to get my rant from yesterday off the front page.

I dyed my hair Wednesday night. It is now Garnier "Peanut Butter Chocolate".

I kind of picked it based on the fact that a) I like Peanut Butter and b) I like Chocolate. So of course they must be as awesome on my head as they are in my belly.

I felt successful this time. My last couple of attempts at hair dye were less than stellar. The color always seemed to come out uneven no matter home detail-oriented I tried to be. This time, I bought 2 boxes of dye and drenched my entire head. The back of the box says you should use 2 boxes of dye if you have long hair. I don't feel like I have long hair...but apparently I do. It took almost all of the dye from both boxes to get the job done. But the color is finally even throughout. Hurrah!

In other news, I was happy to get home from rehearsal early enough last night catch the finale of "Making of the Band 3" on MTV. I didn't watch this show all season, but I was a captive audience on my JetBlue flight to San Francisco on Sunday morning. They did one of those recaps of the entire season, playing all the episodes back to back. I love it when they do that. There's no way I could have grasped "Laguna Beach" if I hadn't watched every episode one after the other -- that's how OLD I'm getting now.

Anyway, I watched the entire season on my flight and suddenly remember last night, as I flopped down on the couch after a long night that P. Diddy's show was on!

And let me say THIS about THAT:

"Touch my body" is a damn catchy song!

I can't understand half of what the girls are saying, because they are all, like, seventeen years old and imitating what they already hear on the radio rather than choosing to, you know, sing the beginnings and endings of all the words. BUT - whoever wrote the song - man, it really gets in your head. It's kinda fun to sing it really nasal and make up your own lyrics, as Freddie and I did last night:

"Ohhhhh! where's my toothbrush?"
"Ohhhhh! did you use my toothbrush?"

Actually, I was the one doing all of the singing. Freddie looked on and kinda shook his head, like "Oh, dear. what have I married myself into?"

...but I think he TOTALLY appreciated my booty dancing. What? Of course, there was choreography! There's always choreography.



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Supergirl Central:

Erin G's lofty pursuits include sampling candy, taking naps, memorizing showtunes and shopping at Daffy's. She's a joyously dorky theatre girl. Also? a big fan of cats, well-written books, and her good lookin' an' schweet lovin' husband, Freddie.

The Latest:

New Year, New YOU! - 2006-01-06
Honey. GROSS. - 2005-12-29
Minty Fresh Kitty Mouth - 2005-12-27
Identity Crisis. - 2005-12-23
I'm jus' sayin'. - 2005-12-22

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