2005-10-21 - 10:02 a.m.

This entry is a two parter:

PART ONE: We were going to have pinatas at our reception, but the adminstrator of our church shot that down as a serious liability issue (we had our reception in the fellowship hall and he just couldn't get behind the idea of certain church members yielding large sticks...)

We still wanted to go with the idea of a fiesta (and, I mean, we catered in mexican food, after all) so we just spread out the candy on all of the tables along with the colorful flower centerpieces and used the pinatas as decoration on the buffet table. It was one of many concessions made (as weddings go), but hey, it achieved it's purpose of making the atmosphere "fun" - so whatever.

I didn't count on people actually eating the candy. Well, I am not sure if people "plural" ate it. I think it was mostly consumed by one 8 year old guest.

When I came in to the reception after taking pictures, this guest came up to me (and my ivory dress) with her sticky little hands and face and was all,


It was a little like this:

And yes. Her teeth are BLUE. That's not some weird, picture-taking film thing going on there. That's blueberry Charms lollipop she's...er...wearing.

PART TWO: After the wedding, I brought the remaining candy to my work place. You see, we have a candy dish at the front desk... which is not unusual for a corporate setting . What IS unusual, however, is the disdain with which the lollipops have been met!

I had a bunch of lollipops I was trying to unload this week. Each day, I'd put a few starbursts, a few rolos, a few smarties in the dish...along with some lollipops. By Wednesday morning, I had to stop putting lollipops in the dish because it became very clear that nobody wanted them. Now, it is Friday morning and all that is left are some sad, sad blow pops and a few pathetic dum dums.

Yesterday, an admin came up to the dish, open the lid, sighed, closed the lid and walk away.

I was all "What? No candy?" and she turned around and replied,

"Well. I was hoping there would be a fun pack of skittles or something. I just don't have time for a lollipop."

You...don't have time for a LOLLIPOP?

The other receptionist and I had a good laugh over that after she slunkered of to her cubicle (candy? DENIED!)

"I just can't INVEST..."
"I"m having a COMMITMENT ISSUE..."

It's a LOLLIPOP. How could you turn it down? Especially a delicious gum filled blow pop? Two candies in one!

Those poor dum dums. They don't stand a CHANCE. They will probably be in the candy dish until someone throws them out at Easter to make room for mini butterfinger eggs.

"IIIIIIIIII want can-day!" (sing me your comments here)


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Supergirl Central:

Erin G's lofty pursuits include sampling candy, taking naps, memorizing showtunes and shopping at Daffy's. She's a joyously dorky theatre girl. Also? a big fan of cats, well-written books, and her good lookin' an' schweet lovin' husband, Freddie.

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New Year, New YOU! - 2006-01-06
Honey. GROSS. - 2005-12-29
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I'm jus' sayin'. - 2005-12-22

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