2005-08-16 - 7:39 a.m.

Freddie and I spent about a half hour last night scribbling all over a piece of paper. We were trying to figure out my new married "autograph".


2005-08-15 - 10:08 a.m.

Bloggity Blog Blog!

See how I can enter short little blurbs of mindless information? Isn't that fun?

Okay. We went to Philly on Saturday just for fun with a couple of friends (Sam and Micah). My thoughts:

Peter Pan Buslines - very good! (we even got a movie! "Haunted Mansion" starring Eddie Murphy, which is a total "renter" movie, I know, but we were a captive audience with nowhere else to go.)
Weather - swampy. I mean really, really EW.
Cheesesteak - meh.
People - friendly...(except the cash register lady at the Cheesesteak place. She was a biatch.)
Liberty Bell - not too crowded and, happily, FREE!
Ben Franklin Underground Museum - Seriously air conditioned. juuuuuuust what we needed.
Cinnabon at The Gallery - Mmmmmmmmmm....Cinnabon for dinner. My favorite!
Philly Bus Station - The Bermuda Triangle of the Northeast Corridor. I'm not kidding.
Greyhound Busline - Butt-pie. (45 minutes late...and no movie...and well over half of the seats were broken in some way. I do not recommend them.)

My only regret is that we didn't get to do the "Super Ducks" amphibious tour. It was one of those bus/boat tours that drives around for a bit and then drives itself right into the water for a bit of bobbing along (in this case, it was the Delaware River). It looked really fun! A souveneir duck call was included in the price of admission...PLUS, every time they drove past us, they were having a silly sing along. And I'm all for silly sing alongs and neat-o swag. Perhaps, next time, we shall Super Duck.


2005-08-15 - 9:54 a.m.

Hey! I'm back!!

I think my identity crisis is over. I spent most of last week in a cranky mood. I didn't want to write, so I thought I would change up my diary.

After several color changes and format changes, I've decided to stick with the current design, with just a few little tweaks here and there.

Nothing really grabbed me and shouted "Yes! Erin's new look!" so I will just stick with this for now.

I did change to a blog format, however. (I know! It happens to everyone, eventually.) But now I can just blog out a little thought instead of writing an entire essay. Lazy? Naw. I have often just wanted to say one little thing on this page...but didn't bother because it wasn't "worthy" of taking up a whole page. Now I hope to update more with the new step-up. And that will make certain people in my life very happy.

Thought you should know: I just slipped up and wrote "laugh" instead of "life". See? I know where that came from. I got chewed out this morning for something I didn't do and it made me feel so insignificant. As I was reading this scathing email, I thought "Whoa, does this person feel like my life is a joke or what?"


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Supergirl Central:

Erin G's lofty pursuits include sampling candy, taking naps, memorizing showtunes and shopping at Daffy's. She's a joyously dorky theatre girl. Also? a big fan of cats, well-written books, and her good lookin' an' schweet lovin' husband, Freddie.

The Latest:

New Year, New YOU! - 2006-01-06
Honey. GROSS. - 2005-12-29
Minty Fresh Kitty Mouth - 2005-12-27
Identity Crisis. - 2005-12-23
I'm jus' sayin'. - 2005-12-22

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Behind the scenes:

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hosted by diaryland

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