2004-08-31 - 2:43 p.m.


So I am back from all my festivites...

I am gloriously depleted right now.

I played hard.

This is my first entry back. And thanks for checking in and reading older entries while I was gone, by the way! I have a sitemeter that tells me WHO you are, WHERE you are are, and WHAT you read and HOW long you read it.


Okay, not really. Only crazy people do that. I just noticed activity on my stats page. I wasn't checking in, so somebody else must have been!

Anyway, I really wanted to write something snazzy for my return, but I am

a) super tired from all my fun...and

b) emotionally split on which fun I should write about.

First, I went to Los Angeles to visit my sister. It was a weird trip for me in that the whole point was to come out a little early and prepare for the roadtrip. I didn't rent a car for myself like I normally do. I didn't have the mobility that I usually have. My job was to hang around the house and help my sister pack and stuff. However, one small (yet fantastic) group of friends made sure that I got downtown see Nat's show. Other than that, I just bonded with family -- right there, I've got a ba-jillion stories I could tell.

Aaaaand for those of you who weren't aware, I then spent three days in a Honda Accord with my sis, my bro-in-law, a three year old boy AND a 9 month old girl. Guess who sat in the little cranny between the two carseats in the back? Uh, yeah. That would be the greatest auntie EVER. Namely, me.

Then, I spent three days in Seattle. My cousin got married. My family reunioned. We all laughed alot and were our typically silly, boisterous selves. It felt so good to be with my family like that. I don't ever know if I could put that into words.

And THEN, just when I didn't think I could handle ANY. MORE. FUN: I flew back to NYC, followed by my parents flying in a day later. They were looking to break up the long trip back to the Netherlands by having a little holiday with me for three days. Naturally, we had shopping, eating, and an obscene theatre binge. Oh yeah, I also turned thirty.

But wait, there's MORE

Remember Nurse Freddie? That rockin' bible stud I met at church? Yeah, he's my boyfriend now. Why? Because he decided to MOVE HERE FOR GOOD (from Texas) while I was away on vacation. You see, he finished his nursing contract while I was in LA, so he went back to Texas to wait for his next assignment. The whole time I was on vacation, we were have long distance phone conversations with no progress whatsoever on where he was going to be working next.

Then, last Friday afternoon? Well, here's a snippet of phone conversation:

Fred: Hey, whatcha doin'?

Erin: Shopping with my parents. Whadder YOU doing?

Fred: I'm in a car. I'm heading to Brooklyn. From JFK.

Erin: What? No. No you're not.

Fred: Yes, I am.

Erin: You're just joking with me.

Fred: No I'm not!

Erin: Yes you are. You are joking with me and that's mean.

Fred: (to the cab driver) Honk your horn!! (HONK) See? I'm not joking!! I'm here in NYC.

Erin: Liar. You're in Lubbock. You just made your friend honk the horn or something. Your pulling my leg. Meanie.

FRED: ...?

ERIN: Whatever, dude.

Fred: Erin? I'm NOT. KIDDING.

Erin: Okay then, smartypants. I'll see you at The Fitzgerald Hotel tonight. We'll be coming home from the theatre at 11pm.

Fred: On 56th and Lex?

Erin: Yep. 56th and Lex.

Fred: Okay see you then. (click!)

And sure enough...

And that's ANOTHER thing I could write about. Beyond the plain ol' fun of having him surprise me and then spend then weekend having adventures with me and my parents, there is such ease in which this relationship is occuring. I am having maximum fun, minimum drama. One of my girlfriends said to me, "He's different from the rest because you aren't all hyper. You just keep saying how much you really, really LIKE him. You're just so much easier about it"

So, okay. I just got back on my normal schedule and I still need rest and reflection before I spin any tales of the last two weeks. Be patient with me, okay?

I'll see you Friday.


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Supergirl Central:

Erin G's lofty pursuits include sampling candy, taking naps, memorizing showtunes and shopping at Daffy's. She's a joyously dorky theatre girl. Also? a big fan of cats, well-written books, and her good lookin' an' schweet lovin' husband, Freddie.

The Latest:

New Year, New YOU! - 2006-01-06
Honey. GROSS. - 2005-12-29
Minty Fresh Kitty Mouth - 2005-12-27
Identity Crisis. - 2005-12-23
I'm jus' sayin'. - 2005-12-22

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