2004-08-10 - 4:08 p.m.

Ah! Time. "Please, sir, can I have some more?" Like I mentioned before, I am going on vac-cay for the rest of the month pretty soon here. I am so crazed here at work today. I haven�t had much time to think about an entry, let alone write one.

True, I could have written something clever-ish yesterday, but my brain wasn't working right. I was so tired from catsitting in Brooklyn all weekend. Don�t get me wrong, the cats are adorable and I was happy to do it. I am particularly fond of heartthrob Vegas:

Look at him. He knows I have a soft spot for �bad boys� and he�s milking his mystique for all it�s worth. What can I say? He was born standing up and talking back...His daddy...was a gree-heeeen eyed mou-how-how-tain jack and he�s eviiiil! He�s middle name is misereeeeeee! (soundtrack courtesy of Leiber and Stoller).

But still, not sleeping in my own bed, not to mention schlepping a duffle bag to and fro plus traveling a gazillion new subway lines to get around (okay, not a gazillion�but I was dealing with typical weekend track-work detours, so it FELT like a gazillion), all that stuff left me with that burning-behind-your-eyeballs kind of tired. How did I spend yesterday afternoon at work? I downloaded Snood. Surreptitiously, of course. What? Mar my reputation as �the temp who can walk on water�? Why, I'd nevah! (<-- By the way, this is my this is my agency's quote about me � oh, if only I could get a show biz agent to invest as passionately)

Oh! I also found my spot! Well, www.findyourspot.com found my spot(s). Here are the best cities for me to live in based on my answers to the test I took:

Norfolk, Virginia
Charleston, South Carolina
Charlotte, North Carolina
El Paso, Texas
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Virginia Beach, Virginia
Cincinnati, Ohio
Jacksonville, Florida
Phoenix, Arizona
Knoxville, Tennessee
Louisville, Kentucky
Richmond, Virginia
Orlando, Florida
Fort Worth, Texas
Long Island, New York
Seattle, Washington
Memphis, Tennessee
Nashville, Tennessee
Houston, Texas
Tucson, Arizona
St. Louis, Missouri
Miami, Florida
West Palm Beach, Florida
Austin, Texas

Neat, huh? Not that I�d moved to any of those places anytime soon (Broadway is beckoning, you know). But still, it�s cool because I have been to a number of the cities on my list before and I liked them, from what I can remember.

Okay � I have to get back to work. SERIOUSLY. (And if the phone doesn�t stop its stupid ringing I am going to throw it on the floor and stomp it to bits.)

Go find your spots.


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Supergirl Central:

Erin G's lofty pursuits include sampling candy, taking naps, memorizing showtunes and shopping at Daffy's. She's a joyously dorky theatre girl. Also? a big fan of cats, well-written books, and her good lookin' an' schweet lovin' husband, Freddie.

The Latest:

New Year, New YOU! - 2006-01-06
Honey. GROSS. - 2005-12-29
Minty Fresh Kitty Mouth - 2005-12-27
Identity Crisis. - 2005-12-23
I'm jus' sayin'. - 2005-12-22

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