2005-01-26 - 2:35 p.m.

So, MisterZero went frolicking about at beautiful sun-shiny Disneyland over the weekend. I endured a BLIZZARD. Now, gods o' karma? Seriously...

Anyway, she has asked for my AWESOMELY EMBARRASSING MUSIC PICKS and I shall deliver. I also have to say a huge thank you to her. Because all the other writers that have done this questionaire have listed all these uber-cool groups/songs and I was all like "Huh? I've never even HEARD of these artists." It put me right back in this weird high-school place. Like, I am Patty Simcox and Tracy Flick and Mandy Moore in-that-movie-she-was-in all rolled into one and I have no pulse on whatsoever on what those cool kids are all about.

But MisterZero, ahh, how she sincerely celebrates The Inner Dork. With MisterZero, it is okay to admit liking 98 degrees. She'll top you on that with her soft spot for Gunnar Nelson. Which makes it okay to fondly remember out loud the "couples skate" at Skate Barn, circa 1983 - replete with disco ball and Debby Boone belting out "You Light Up My Life". Suddenly, you feel like you have the permission to sing "We Built this City" with unabashed enthusiam - on the subway platform, no less. And all is well with the world. Come to think of it, those tainted government officials on Capitol Hill need some Lindsay Lohan SPEAK - stat!

And so, without further ado:

Erin's (Dorky) Music Picks

1) What is the total amount of music file on your computer?

None. I have a mac from, like, 1998? It won't even upgrade my AOL to 6.0. I don't have nearly enough power to do anything cool. But Freddie has his PC sprawled out in the corner of my front room and we're "improving" it. (That might also have the potential of meaning "forever screwing it up so we have go out and buy a new one") Anyway, the point is that we are planning to burn mix CDs to play during wedding festivities in September, so if you know any kick-ass songs involving the word LOVE (in a positive light, that is!) -- send your ideas via email.

2) Last CD bought:

"In The Name Of Love" . What? Yeah! I know it's not cutting edge or anything but I bought it for Freddie because he a) really likes U2 and b) really likes Africa, having spent two summers working over there. For reals, it's a bunch of super spiritual singers singing covers of kinda spiritual songs. It's not brilliant, but it's nice dinner music.

3) What is the last song you listened to before this message?

"Lose My Breath" by Destiny's Child

4) What 5 songs do you listen to often that mean alot to you?

"I am who I am" - Lara Fabian
"Happy Face" - Destiny's Child
"I'll try" - Jonatha Brook
"Roxanne" - Moulin Rouge Soundtrack
"Twilight" - lyrics by me!

Okay, so "I am who I am" is, like, my personal theme song. "Happy Face" got me thru 9-11 and still helps when I feel ooky. "I'll Try" is not a favorite per se, but I love how it sounds when my best friend Kimberly sings it. I make her sing it for me almost every time we hang out. "Roxanne" really inspires me as a dancer. Oh man, I hear the opening strains and I turn into magic-sexy apache dancer extrodinaire! Drama!

And, finally, "Twilight".

This is actually one of the ring tones on my new LG phone. It is SO an entire song, I'm not kidding you. It's like, 32 bars of music. And since I use my phone as an alarm clock and this new phone (sadly) does not have a "snooze button" feature, I use "Twilight" to wake up in the morning because it is really long. And the idea is that I will eventually get up and shut it off. But here's the raddest thing about it - it's a schmaltzy instrumental piece...so I made up my own words while laying in bed one morning while listening to THE WHOLE 32 BARS because I really didn't want to get up (and yet, there was no snooze to be had).

And so:

I present the lyrics to "Twilight", by Luckystott (ahem):

Git yo ass up,
Git yo fat ass up!
Git yo ass up,
It's time to go to work!
Git yo ass up,
Git yo fat ass up:
There is no snooze buh-in,
So git yo fat ass uuuuuuuup!!

And? Repeat three more times.

By the way, that last part - You get to riff that like you are trying out for American Idol.

5) Who will you pass the stick to?
specailfrd24 - because...you think MY music picks are dorky? :)


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Supergirl Central:

Erin G's lofty pursuits include sampling candy, taking naps, memorizing showtunes and shopping at Daffy's. She's a joyously dorky theatre girl. Also? a big fan of cats, well-written books, and her good lookin' an' schweet lovin' husband, Freddie.

The Latest:

New Year, New YOU! - 2006-01-06
Honey. GROSS. - 2005-12-29
Minty Fresh Kitty Mouth - 2005-12-27
Identity Crisis. - 2005-12-23
I'm jus' sayin'. - 2005-12-22

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