2004-07-06 - 5:07 p.m.

July 4, 2004 � A timeline things that were said from 2pm to 2am:

2:00pm �

�K-dawgg? I know the party doesn�t start till 4pm, but can I come over RIGHT NOW and utilize the sunnage on your terrace?�

2:45pm �

�Okay! See? I got my sassy ouchfit, my shades, some tunes, and a People Magazine. This is good times. Nothing could possibly make me happier in this moment. Oh, except for maybe an adult beverage item�shall we have some frozen margaritas?�

3:30pm �



4:00pm �

�I have some fresh mango. We should really add some mango��


4:40pm �

�She�s on her way over. I�m just going to top off your cup with the rest of the mango-margarita concoction��

�Hee hee. You said coc�hee hee hee-- MMMMM...mango�

5:15pm �

�Helllllloooooooo! I brought 2 bottles of champagne and my gay friend that I met at one of the parfum counters at Saks. YAY! Happy fourth of July!!�

�YAY! Happy fourth�.wait, where�s the other bottle of champagne?�

�Oh, shoot, girl. You know she opened it on the way over.�

�Isn�t�isn�t it illegal to have open liquor bottles on the subway?�

�(shrug) Probably.�

5:30pm �

�What? You put frozen grapes in our champagne? How deviiiiiiiiiine.�

5:45pm �

�See my new bra? It�s La Perla!�

5:55pm �

�Borderline! Feels like I am GOooooooin� to lose my miiiiiiiind�.�

�(bump) Hey, who put that door frame there?�

�A boy from Elizabeth�s acting class just called. He�s coming over and bringing his roomie and roomie�s brother.�

�YAY boys!�

�More champagne?�

"YAY champagne!"

6:25pm �

�Okay. Where are the boys?

6:50pm �

�Chips and queso?�

�I love queso.�

"I love YOU."

�Shall we start on the beer, then?�

�YAY � wait � liquor before beer you�re in the clear - Okay, I'm good. YAY.�

7:00pm �

�Seriously�.where are the boys?�

7:10pm �

�BOYS ARE HERE! (squeal and clap hands)�

7:12pm �

�(inner monologue) Hello. I love you. Won�t you tell me your name?�

7:15pm �

�Who needs beer?�

7:35pm -

�Who needs another beer?�

7:55pm �

�Let�s play �I never���

8:15pm �

�Who needs another beer?�

8:35pm �

�Who needs another beer?�

8:50pm �

�Wow. No kidding? Well, shoot, give her another beer. And congratulations on...that.�

9:15pm �

�Um. No. NO. He did NOT just do a spit take right onto the side of your FACE...�

9:16pm �

�(uncomfortable silence)�Anyone need another beer?�

9:20pm �

�Is he�going home? Okay. Wow. Know what? Spit takes aren�t funny anymore.�

�Yeah. They were only funny when John Ritter did them on Three�s Company.�


�Come and knock on our door��

�(echo) come and knock on our door��

9:35pm -

�o�er the laaaaaaaaand of the freeeeeeeeee-EEEEEEEEEE!�

9:45pm -

�It appears that we are experiencing a dearth in liquid refreshment.�

10:10pm �

�No, no guys. Over here. Okay, so. Let�s get a case of Yuengling�uh�because your little bro is visiting from Pennsylvania. And we�ll get a case of Heinie�because my parents are in Den Haag�and�um�excuse me, cute actor boy: what are you DOING? No, dude. We are nice girls and we don�t drink Coors Light out of a can. Unless there is absolutely nothing else to drink. Please, unhand that box immediately. We do have options here.�

10:35pm �

�Cheers to the beer run!�

10:55pm �

�Cheers to hot dogs!�

11:15pm �

�Cheers to cake!�

11:35pm �

�Cheers to the beer run!�

11:50pm �

�Cheers to Erin�s irrational fear of tea light candles!�

12:20am �

�Tell me a story.�

12:30am �

�That�s a good story.�

12:32am �

�Will you please get me a beer and tell me another story?�

12:55am --

�Wanna play Dirty Scrabble?�

1:20am �

�Omigod. I can�t believe you thought of that. Double word score with a J and a Z? Woman. You need to marry me and bear my children.�

1:50am �

�(yawn) Okay I�m done here. Call me a car service so I can go home and have a headache.�

�Yeah, yeah. Can I, uh, ride with you? I�m kinda headed that way�kinda.�

2:30am �

�(cell phone rings) Yeah?�


�Uh�er�I don�t know what you�re talking about.�


�Lishen -- I was merely exercising the freedom to kiss a cute boy on Independence Day. It was the very least I could do for my country,�

�Okaaaaaaay. I was just call-ling to make sure you got home okaaaaaaaaaaaaay.�


Reading: �The Juror� � and feeling a bit nostalgic because of the book cover. My mom mailed me this paperback and it has this really cool (big!) red price sticker on the front. She bought it at Heathrow before going on a trip. It was L12. Sigh.

Consuming: Copious amounts of of water. While one could argue that I am getting too old for my own shenanigans, I do need to pat myself on the back for a quality workout AND singing class on Monday, despite my slight headache and dehydration.

Wondering: Why on God�s GREEN EARTH! Why did I receive a telemarketer call at 7:30 in the morning on Monday � the observance holiday wherein everybody was supposed to be AT HOME? SLEEPING IN? Sheesh.


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Supergirl Central:

Erin G's lofty pursuits include sampling candy, taking naps, memorizing showtunes and shopping at Daffy's. She's a joyously dorky theatre girl. Also? a big fan of cats, well-written books, and her good lookin' an' schweet lovin' husband, Freddie.

The Latest:

New Year, New YOU! - 2006-01-06
Honey. GROSS. - 2005-12-29
Minty Fresh Kitty Mouth - 2005-12-27
Identity Crisis. - 2005-12-23
I'm jus' sayin'. - 2005-12-22

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