2004-06-22 - 10:11 a.m.

Waaaaay back in the day, I picked Luckystott as my internet handle. Partly because one of the first (inevitable) things I encounter at a new temp job is �Oh. You have such a pretty name. Are you Irish?�

(Answer: No.)

So, yeah, my little shout out to the shamrocks�but also, true, because I�m a freakishly lucky gal. Even when bad stuff happens to me, I always get the chance to rise above, say the final word, or laugh on the inside as that cold dish of revenge is served up with a side of �Gee, doesn�t Erin smell like a rose these days?�

So � It�s good to be me and I really like my name, see?

The unfortunate thing about having �Lucky� in my handle is the smarm factor. I get lots of �sxypornprincess4u� and �hotTEENluv� invitations in my inbox. Delete. Delete. Delete, Delete, Delete. Sigh.

Also? My handle has been kidnapped twice. But �Lucky� for me (see how that works?), I am scary intense about my email. I am always on the web from 9-5 and then I go home and log on AGAIN. Yes. I do. You people out there who don�t check your email five times a day? HOW? How do you do that?! Anyway. I was able to recover my good name both times rather quickly. Still, I don�t like the idea that someone would steal my profile, tweak it to their liking and send out unsavory materials from my inbox (xxxLucKystTott2000aNAL). Ew.

But here�s a little annoyance I must deal with from time to time: I get blocked in email filters. Randomly. It depends on whom I am sending email to and whether or not they figure it out and bring it to my attention. For example, two weeks ago, my grandma got so fed up with the �12 inches hot viagra NOW!� messages flooding her inbox that she invoked the child-lock filter on her provider. Apparently, the provider considers �Lucky� a censorable word. I wouldn�t even KNOW she wasn�t getting my messages if it hadn�t been for an odd exchange of correspondence that occurred last week. Which makes me wonder: who ELSE in my little world isn�t getting emails from me?

Please see below an approximation of our exchange. I spent the past week and a half thinking she was LOSING IT when, really, it was her provider (I won't say WHO...but it has 3 letters, a butterfly motif and rhymes with �Auntie Em�) that was losing it. Losing the emails I was sending to her, that is.

June 9 � Me: �Hey Grandma! Blah, blah, blah. Things here swell. Write soon.�

June 10 � No response. Me: �That�s strange. She usually writes back right away.�

June 12 � Still no response. Me: �Very Strange.�

June 13 � Grandma: �Hi Erin! Just writing again to say Hi. Are you busy? You haven�t written me back.�

June 13 � Me: �Hey Grandma! Yeah. I totally wrote you a few days ago. Maybe you read it really quick and then put it in a bin? Check your files � I sent it on June 9. Okay. Let me know if you get this.�

June 14 � Grandma: �Hi Erin! Wow. You must really be busy. Please send a quick note so I know you are okay.�

June 14 � Me: �Hey Grandma. Did you get my message yesterday? I�ve written you twice now. I�m wondering�hit the reply button when you get this.�

June 16 � Grandma: �Erin. What�s up. You haven�t written me back. Are you mad at me? Did I say something to offend you? Why are you ignoring me? Please write.�

Okay. Okay. So I got on the phone with her.

Me: �Grandma! What�s going on with your computer? I have totally been writing you. You haven�t received any of my emails?�

Grandma: �No! Well, I wonder why! I get email from everyone else. Are you sure you are sending to the correct address? [email protected]?�

Me: �Uh. Yeah. I mean, when I write you I plug it in straight from my address book like I always do. I haven�t changed anything on this end. Did you click on the email filter or something?�

Grandma: �Well, I don�t like getting all those nasty ads. But it shouldn�t erase YOU, right?�

Me: �Oh�.Oh, but it DOES.�

So I emailed my brilliant cousin Josh and asked him to go over to Grandma�s house and unblock me. He tinkered about and claims that he fixed it so �Luckystott� will go into her inbox again. And, yet, I sent her another message and STILL haven�t heard back. So, the drama continues.

Such is my life. But the fun doesn�t end there! Also? Whenever I am involved in some sort of activity that involves a contact list of names and addresses - who gets harassed by That Dumb Guy? Yeah�that would be me:

�So�Uh�you pretty LUCKY then?�


�Could I�uh�get LUCKY wit choo?�


Speaking of suggestive names: I have to ask Arie a question. Arie? We went to Fullerton Union High School, yes? Okay. So, 1200 students at our school � and we all wore �FUHS� across our chests, across our butts, across our backs, in various campus-wear fashions. Yet, it didn�t occur to me until YEARS later � omigod. We went to �F� �U� High school! Okay? So, um, I never �got that� while we were going to school there. Did you? Was I living such a sheltered existence back then that it didn�t even occur to me? I mean, �F� �U� High School! Was I so obsessed with Dylan cheating on Brenda, or buying satin shoes at Payless (to be dyed the EXACT color of my winter formal dress), or accepting the fact that NKOTB was�oh-oh-ohhhh-ohhhh-oh�proclaiming to have �The Right Stuff� � was I so blinded by these things? Because I am telling you, Arie, I went to �F� �U� High School with you for 4 years and it never ONCE occurred to me that way.


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Supergirl Central:

Erin G's lofty pursuits include sampling candy, taking naps, memorizing showtunes and shopping at Daffy's. She's a joyously dorky theatre girl. Also? a big fan of cats, well-written books, and her good lookin' an' schweet lovin' husband, Freddie.

The Latest:

New Year, New YOU! - 2006-01-06
Honey. GROSS. - 2005-12-29
Minty Fresh Kitty Mouth - 2005-12-27
Identity Crisis. - 2005-12-23
I'm jus' sayin'. - 2005-12-22

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