2004-09-14 - 12:50 p.m.

It's over and we are all back to work again! Freddie just started his new nursing assignment this morning. I haven't temped this week yet, but I have been doing a lot of cleaning and clearing out at my apartment.

A few weeks back, I listed my Summer Fun up till July 31. Here's what the rest of the summer looked like:

August 1 - Lunch with K-dawgg
August 3 - My sister's Bday!
August 3 - Dinner with Freddie
August 5 - Adele's goodbye party
August 6 - Vanessa & Jeff's wedding
August 8 - Lunch with Freddie
August 9 - Movie in Bryant Park with Freddie
August 11 - Dinner with Freddie
August 12 - "The Frogs" at Lincoln Center
August 13 - Lunch with Freddie
August 14 - Fly to Los Angeles
August 15 - Dinner with Derek and Nat
August 16 - Manicure appointment with Denise
August 17 - Dinner with Breault, Nat's show at Theater Neo
August 18 - Drive to San Leandro, Ca.
August 19 - Drive to Eugene, Or.
August 20 - Arrive in Seattle, Wa.
August 20 - Freddie leaves NYC to go back to Texas :(
August 21 - Joanna's wedding
August 22 - Movie date with cousins
August 23 - Aquarium with niece and nephew
August 24 - Fly back to NYC
August 25 - mom and dad fly to NYC
August 26 - "Wonderful Town" on Bway
August 27 - "Hairspray" on Bway
August 27 - Freddie surprises me and moves back to NYC for good! :)
August 28 - visit to Intrepid Museum
August 28 - "Dracula" on Bway
August 29 - My 30th BIRTHDAY!!!
August 30 - swanky birthday dinner at the Seagrill
August 31 - Dinner with Freddie

September 2 - Dinner with Freddie
September 3 - First Friday at church
September 4 - Finished painting the hallway in apt.
September 5 - Hang out with K-dawgg
September 6 - Dinner with Freddie
September 9 - Lunch with Emily
September 10 - See Elizabeth go on as lead in "Dracula" on Bway (yay!)
September 11 - Ross' Bday at Merc Bar
September 12 - Hang with K-dawgg
September 13 - Dinner with Freddie
September 14 - Dinner with Freddie

Summer of Fun officially ends tomorrow, but I don't have anything planned. If I don't book temp work, I am going to be helping K-dawgg move into her new apartment. It's all very exciting. Really cute new place.

Overall, Summer of Fun was a great experience. I relaxed alot and got sick a few times by having too much fun and not taking care of myself. I fell in love. I also pulled thru a few layer s of my own emotional crap. It felt really good going back into auditions last week. I felt renewed. And I went into my auditions with a great attitude. And then, naturally, did very well.

That's a good thing. I recommend Summer of Fun to anybody who feels like a hamster on a wheel -- just running and running and not really going anywhere.

I have rolls of film being developed and sorted thru. Pictures will be posted soon!


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Supergirl Central:

Erin G's lofty pursuits include sampling candy, taking naps, memorizing showtunes and shopping at Daffy's. She's a joyously dorky theatre girl. Also? a big fan of cats, well-written books, and her good lookin' an' schweet lovin' husband, Freddie.

The Latest:

New Year, New YOU! - 2006-01-06
Honey. GROSS. - 2005-12-29
Minty Fresh Kitty Mouth - 2005-12-27
Identity Crisis. - 2005-12-23
I'm jus' sayin'. - 2005-12-22

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